The entire Jewish world was thrust into mourning when Dalia Lamkus fell victim to a stabbing attack near Alon Shvut; but few were as grief stricken as the Tikvah Layeled family. Dalia, twenty five, was a beloved occupational therapist at Tikvah Layeled – and the staff, parents, and children will always remember her dedication and care.
Dalia loved the children in Tikvah Layeled – and they thrived under her care. She saw each child as a precious boy or girl, and was able to look past the disability and see the neshamah within. Blessed with a beautiful smile, Dalia lit up the therapy room with her presence. It was hard to be despondent in her presence. And while she prodded the children to work harder; to do more; her cheer and praise made the effort worthwhile.
The skills she taught changed lives. The ability of a child to bring a spoon to her mouth, to close a button, to keep herself clean; these are the things that spell the difference between independence and life as an invalid. But Dalia was much more than a therapist. She was a friend. She was always available to fill in when Tikvah Layeled was understaffed. On Tikvah Layeled’s special trips, Dalia was a favorite chaperone. She added not only spirited fun; but also emunah and bitachon, faith in Hashem,to any outing.
“She was so full of life, so full of ahavas Yisroel,” says ——, a fellow therapist at Tikvah Layeled. “She would do anything for the children. She absolutely adored them, and they adored her.”
Dalia is sorely missed by the staff, children, and parents of Tivkah Layeled. We have established a special fund in her memory, to benefit the children she loved so much. To donate, visit tikvahlayeled.org; and specify that your contribution is in tribute to Dalia bas Nachum Lamkus.