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Raising International Awareness for Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral Palsy is a group of disorders that affect the central nervous system. These disorders may develop in the womb, or could be the result of an injury to the brain. Sufferers of CP have impaired hearing, vision and speech. Their balance, motor skills and muscle movement may also be impacted. In some instances, CP may result in the intellectual impairment of the individual. International awareness of the causes, as well as the current and potential treatments of cerebral palsy, is crucial to treating CP.

While there is no known cure for CP at this time, stem cell research offers great promise in the restorative therapeutic treatment of cerebral palsy. Efforts have been made by organizations like the Tikvah Layeled Foundation to increase awareness among the public about what the disorder is, how it is treated, how it may be prevented and how a cure may be developed through new advances and techniques.

Towards this goal, conferences and symposiums are held regularly so that some of the world’s leading authorities in the medical field can share their information and research on these types of disorders. Marketing campaigns are also a good way to get the message out about the prevention and research into the treatment of this disease.

While CP is not a progressive disease that worsens over time, it may be preventable, reversible and treatable. Research, resources, information and public awareness are all needed at an international level to help fight this debilitating disorder. Only through the efforts and hard work of organizations like the Tikvah Layeled Foundation, and others, will awareness of cerebral palsy on a worldwide level be achieved.

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What it Means to Teach Children with Cerebral Palsy

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Cerebral palsy is a general term for a group of disorders that affect the brain. Suffers of CP may have difficulty controlling their muscles which can affect movement and speech. A child with CP may seem uncoordinated or clumsy, which can open them up to ridicule from other students at school. Teachers who have no training in dealing with children with CP may find it difficult and as a result the child may not get the education they need.

Children with CP may have difficulty hearing the teacher. They may have trouble with comprehension and communication and they may have learning disabilities that can impede their progress in the classroom. Teaching children with CP requires patience, understanding and a different educational approach. While there is no known cure for cerebral palsy, physical therapy combined with speech and language therapy can be useful tools in helping children use their bodies and speech effectively.

Teaching children with cerebral palsy presents a unique set of challenges for learning institutions. Special education and other resources can be obtained at the state and local levels to assist in teaching these students. Educators must possess a unique set of skills allowing them to deal with children suffering from CP. There are also different devices that can be used to help teach these children. Special boards using symbols and pictures to help children learn letters and words can be used. Computers are also integrated into the process where children with impaired motor functions can use special software that has been adapted according to their abilities.

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The Joy of Providing Care for Tikvah Layeled’s Children

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Tikvah Layeled is an educational facility and rehabilitation center located in Israel. The goal of the organization is to treat children suffering from cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term used to identify several types of disorders that affect the brain and the central nervous system. Children born with this disorder are physically impaired and many are mentally impaired to some degree as well. The goal of Tikvah Layeled is to improve the lives of the children in their care, and to help them lead independent and active lives.

Cerebral palsy can result in many negative physical impairments. Poor vision, speech and hearing can be a result of the disorder, as well as a loss of muscle control and motor skills. These things make it difficult for sufferers to learn in a more conventional environment. While the work is seldom easy, it can be tremendously rewarding and Tikvah Layeled employs a number of top therapists who are dedicated to the improvement of the lives of cerebral palsy children. Working with these children and watching them grow, adapt and learn, despite their disabilities, creates a very positive work environment.

Each child at Tikvah Layeled is assessed individually by the staff so that their therapy can be adjusted according to their need. The facility, in operation since 1982, serves as both a learning and rehabilitation center. These two facets of the operation work together to help children overcome their mental and physical obstacles. They joy of working with cerebral palsy children is evident among the staff and the state-of-the-art facilities are a testament to the hard work, dedication and sense of purpose of founders, Mr. Tavi and Mrs. Shaindel Breitstein.

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Federal Assistance for Families of Disabled Childern

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Social security benefits are available for individuals and dependents who suffer from cerebral palsy and experience severe or moderate motor dysfunction. If a child’s condition affects their mobility, or if they have difficulty standing or using their hands, they may qualify for Supplemental Security Income from the Social Security Administration.

A severe form of motor dysfunction would include any lack of coordination which would prevent a child from walking or standing without assistance. A lack of coordination that disrupts the achievement of movement of the arms or legs or larger muscle groups would be a sign of severe dysfunction. More moderate dysfunction in a child may qualify if it is accompanied by an IQ of 70 or less and the child also has trouble speaking or hearing. A child affected by cerebral palsy who also has a debilitating mental or emotional disorder would also qualify.

Sometimes families need financial assistance immediately, which is why the SSA also provides benefits to children who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy and who exhibit severe impairment of speech, coordination or problems with mobility.

If you have a child with cerebral palsy who suffers from severe or even moderate dysfunction, you can call the Social Security Administration for a consultation and request an application. Once the application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by a claims examiner who will then request the child’s medical records to determine their eligibility. If accepted, financial assistance will be awarded.

Improving Mobility for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Cole Galloway, a physical therapy professor, and Sunil Agrawal, a mechanical engineering professor, both at University of Delaware, joined forces in 2007 to improve mobility for children suffering from conditions like cerebral palsy. Initial results combining Galloway’s knowledge of infant behavior and Agrawal’s engineering skills produced devices that were both heavy and prohibitively expensive for most families. However, an idea came to Galloway during a trip to Toy ‘R’ Us that solved both of these problems.


Instead of focusing on robotics, as they had been doing, the team thought, why not try developing something closer to a toy. Go Baby Go was the result of this ‘aha’ moment. By retrofitting the Go Baby Go system onto rideable toy cars that already exist, Galloway and Agrawal were able to significantly lower the price. Not only is the toy fun for the children who them , it also assists with brain development and helps drive the exploratory nature of the child. Increased mobility can also help make children more social.

Go Baby Go has started small, and there are still nearly a half million children in the US that experience problems with mobility, but their work has only just begun. Now is the time to spread the word so Go Baby Go can help children go forward in their development and their lives.

Celebrating Chanukah at Tikvah Layeled

Israel’s educational facility and rehabilitation center, Tikvah Layeled, was able to bring smiles to the faces of the children in their care this past Hanukah. With the lighting of the menorah ceremony, these children experienced firsthand the joys of the Hanukah holiday. The children at Tikvah Layeled suffer from disabilities caused by cerebral palsy, but through the help of the professional caregivers at the center, they are able to lead happy lives and enjoy moments such as this. It is the goal of Tikvah Layeled to improve the lives of all the children in their care and the Hanukah holiday provided the perfect opportunity to do it.


The educational facility and rehabilitation center, Tikvah Layeled, was able to bring joy to the lives of the children in their care this past Hanukah. The children took part in a lighting of the menorah ceremony and afterwards were treated to donuts. The children at Tikvah Layeled suffer from cerebral palsy, but thanks to the efforts of the facility, and the dedication of the professional men and women who work there, they were able to make the holiday a happy time for the kids. It is the goal of Israel’s Tikvah Layeled to help children with cerebral palsy lead normal, happy lives.

Life with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is not a death sentence. Children affected by this disease are able to live long and happy lives. They do, of course, need more care and may require more day-to-day assistance than other kids, but a diminished life span is by no means an absolute. With the proper treatment and care provided by facilities like Tivkah Layeled, children can and do lead normal lives.

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Cerebral palsy affects the body’s nervous system. It is a permanent condition and there is no known cure. However, CP is not a progressive disease. Once a child has been affected by CP, as the result of an injury or a brain abnormality developed in the womb, the condition will not worsen over time. This isn’t to suggest that other factors in the child’s health will not change. There are associate conditions that can worsen, but with the proper medical care, therapy and treatment, children with cerebral palsy can live well into adulthood.

There are several factors that can determine life expectancy of a child with CP. The number of disabilities the child has due to the condition is one factor. The child’s mobility and cognitive functioning also play a role, as do the amount of seizures they experience and the overall severity of their condition.

All these things are provided for by Tivkah Layeled. Add to this, the loving care that these children receive from the dedicated professional caregivers and you have a child with significant advantages for living a long, productive life.

Evaluating a Child for Cerebral Palsy

There is no single test that diagnoses a child with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is the result of multiple causes so it is important to identify the specific cause(s) to determine treatment. Tests that help determine if a child has cerebral palsy include developmental screening, medical evaluations and developmental monitoring. Developmental screening consists of small tests that measure delay in motor or movement. It is best to evaluate these delays at age 9 months, 18 months, and 24 months. The screenings may be interviews with the child’s parents or tests that the doctor actually gives to the child. Medical evaluations look at reflexes, posture and muscle tone. The doctor should look carefully at the child’s medical history and rule out any disorders that could cause similar problems. Additional tests can be done to try and find the cause of cerebral palsy by doing brain imaging tests, EEG, genetic testing, or metabolic testing.

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It is important to monitor the child’s growth over time. At each well-child visit, the doctor should evaluate the child’s development. They should review any developmental history and speak to the parents regarding any new concerns. Regular laboratory blood tests may also be important to track levels.Children with cerebral palsy are usually diagnosed within the first year of their life. It is important to maintain doctor visits and any treatment needed. Some children with severe disabilities can grow up to be independent, productive members of society. By determining if a child has cerebral palsy early in their life, and following up with required treatment, doctor visits and support, they can live a healthy, productive life.

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How Parents can be Advocates for their Children

As a parent of a child with a learning disability, it’s important to advocate for your child in order to implement positive changes. You know your child best and by following these simple tips, you can help educators and professionals identify better with your children.

  • Connect with those that make decisions regarding your child’s education or priorities. These could be teachers, therapists, administrators or anyone else that has power to decide on learning habits of your child. Get to know them and do not be afraid to speak about your concerns.

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  • Gather information and keep records. Research the background of a learning disability and know treatments, learning settings or training that provide positive results. It is important to keep any necessary information regarding your child’s assessment information and education records. Also keeping track of homework or creative assignments can provide insight into your child’s patterns or progressive results.
  • Involve your child in the decision making process. Support and respect your child’s need to make decisions on their own. A learning disability is a lifelong affair and it is important the child is not hindered from making their own choices.

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  • Be aware of the rules. Contact your local Department of Education and learn the policies and laws that your child’s school must abide by for children with learning disabilities. The school can provide special services for children with learning disabilities. By knowing the guidelines, you can assure your child takes advantage of any accomadations that can help them succeed.

Improving the Daily Life of a Person with a Disability

Of the 69.6 million families in the United States, more than 20 million have at least one family member with a disability. Whether it’s physical or mental, people with a disability often have a more difficult time adjusting to daily life. These suggestions will help enhance the quality of life for those with a disability:

  • Determine the person’s individual needs. A disability may range from blindness to mobility issues so it is important to address the specific needs for the type of disability that the person has. It is best to spend time with the individual and ask questions and talk to them. Also, speaking with a doctor or specialist will provide further information regarding care and medical treatment that the person needs. By gathering information and tailoring a care routine that is specific to the person, their environment will remain consistent and efficient.
  • Install devices or additions in the home. If the individual is unable to walk or move freely, it would be best to determine exactly what they need to assist with movement and have this installed in their environment. Whether it be handle bars or a ramp, these additions will ensure the safety of the person and provide convenience in their daily life. Also consider the temperature, smell and how much light enters the home as these factors can affect their feelings.
    Portable Ramp
  • Plan trips and outings. Sunshine and fresh air can be very beneficial to the well being of those with disabilities. Plan for outings to the local park or picnic or go for a walk. This will also enhance their social well-being and maintain social manners and interaction.
    Walking in the Park
  • Manage hobbies. Find out what they are interested in and provide the tools or means for them to work on their hobbies. Whether it be painting, writing, reading or exercising, doing these activities on a regular basis will keep the mind sharp.

It is not hard to enhance a disabled person’s life by making daily tasks more comfortable and successful. Whether they are someone you care for through your job or someone apart of your family, they are humans just like the rest of us and deserve a happy, healthy life.